Project Submission No. S00548
Project Title 100MWp Photovoltaic Power Generation Project in Caitian Silk Road Mulei Photovoltaic Park
Project Owner (as per PSF & LOA) Xinjiang Neutrino Carbon Investment Technology Co., Ltd
Submission Date 26 Jun 2022
Global Stakeholder Consultation Period 25 Oct 2022 - 8 Nov 2022
Sector 1.Energy industries (renewable-/non-renewable sources)
Project Type Solar Power
GCC/CDM Methodology & Version ACM0002: “Grid-connected electricity generation from renewable sources” (Version 20.0)
Forecasted GHG Emission Reduction (tCO2e/Year) 101,149 (tCO2e/Year)
Forecasted E+ Label Yes
Forecasted S+ Label Yes
Forecasted SDG+ Goals
Forecasted SDG+ Label Silver
Forecasted Market Eligibility CORSIA(C+)
Country China
Focal Point of Project Owners (FP)
Xinjiang Neutrino Carbon Investment Technology Co., Ltd
Email of Contact Person of FP (Primary)
Email of Contact Person of FP (Secondary)
Documents for Global Stakeholder Consultation Project Submision
Calculation Sheet

Other Documents
Project Brief

100MWp Photovoltaic Power Generation Project in Caitian Silk Road Mulei Photovoltaic Park is a solar photovoltaic power project with a total installed capacity of 100MW, the project is invested and operated  by Mulei Caitian Silk Road Photovoltaic Power Generation Co. Ltd. The project locates in Mulei Kazakh Autonomous County, Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang, China.


The purpose of the project is to utilize the solar energy at the project site to generate and supply electricity to Northwest China Power Grid (NWCPG).  The project is expected to achieve a green-house gas emission reduction of 101,149 tCO2e annually.

Additional Information

CTI was contracted by Xinjiang Neutrino Carbon Investment Technology Co., Ltd. for verification of the project activity. The verification was performed based on rules and requirements defined by GCC program for the project activity;

This project belongs to the solar energy grid-connected power generation project, and realizes the emission reduction of greenhouse gases by replacing the same amount of electricity generated by the Northwest China Power Grid dominated by fossil energy. After review, the validation team confirmed that the project has not been registered in other international or domestic emission reduction mechanisms except for the application to become GCC. The start date of the project is 20/06/2019, which belongs to the project category A2;

This project has correctly adopted the methodology ACM0002,”Grid-connected electricity generation from renewable sources”, V21.0;

The objectives of this project verification is to verify that the GCC project meets the requirements of GCC project framework v2.1, GCC program manual v3.1, GCC program processes v4.0, GCC project standard v3.1, GCC project sustainability standard v3.1, GCC verification standard v3.1, GCC Environment & Social safeguards standard v3.0, ISO 14064-2 & ISO 14064-3, applicable approved GCC Methodology for -Grid Connected Renewable Energy Generation Projects ACM0002 v21.0, Applicable Legal requirements/rules of host country, National Sustainable Development Criteria and CORSIA requirements and other GCC requirements related to aspects such as project design, applicable conditions, project boundary, baseline scenarios, additionality, emission reduction, monitoring plan, local stakeholder consultation, global stakeholder consultation, GHG emission reductions (ACCs), environmental no-net harm label (E+), social no net harm label (S+), gold SDG label (SDG+),CORSIA+. This report summarizes the final project verification opinion which is based on Project Submission Form v4.0;

The project is operational since 20/06/2019The estimated annual net electricity generation and average annual emission reductions of the proposed project are129,791MWh and 101,149 tCO2e, respectively. The total GHG emissions reductions in the chosen fixed 10 years crediting period amount to 1,011,490 tCO2e;

The project is not likely to cause any net-harm to the environment and/or society and complies with the Environmental and Social Safeguards Standard, and therefore requests the GCC Program to register the Project Activity, which is likely to achieve the requirements of the Environmental No net-harm Label (E+ ) and the Social No-net-harm Label (S+ );

The project is likely to contribute to the achievement of United Nations Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs), comply with the Project Sustainability Standard, and contribute to achieving a total of 3 SDGs, which is likely to achieve the Silver SDG certification label (SDG+).

Report (Public) Verification Report (public)
Verification report date
First Request for Registration Date 2023-04-10
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