Project Submission No. S00256
Project Title Saha Solar Power Plant Bundle
Project Owner (as per PSF & LOA) 1. Saha Temiz Enerji Elektrik Taahhüt Danışmanlık A.Ş. 2.Desilyon Danışmanlık Ticaret A.Ş.
Submission Date 27 May 2022
Global Stakeholder Consultation Period 29 Jun 2022 - 13 Jul 2022
Sector 1.Energy industries (renewable-/non-renewable sources)
Project Type Solar Power
GCC/CDM Methodology & Version ACM0002: “Grid-connected electricity generation from renewable sources” (Version 20.0)
Forecasted GHG Emission Reduction (tCO2e/Year) 29,027 (tCO2e/Year)
Forecasted E+ Label Yes
Forecasted S+ Label Yes
Forecasted SDG+ Goals
Forecasted SDG+ Label Platinum
Forecasted Market Eligibility CORSIA(C+)
Country Türkiye
Focal Point of Project Owners (FP)
Desilyon Danışmanlık Ticaret A.Ş.
Email of Contact Person of FP (Primary)
Email of Contact Person of FP (Secondary)
Documents for Global Stakeholder Consultation Project Submision
Calculation Sheet

Other Documents
Project Brief

Saha Solar Power Plant Bundle consists of 28 individual Unlicensed Polycrystalline, Monocrystalline and Solar Module Solar Power Plants with a capacity of 23.57 MWe / 26.80 MWp in total, which is formed according to the Law no: 6446 on Electricity Market Law.

The average annual generated energy is expected to be 7,392 MWh in 2016, 15,404 MWh in 2017, 37,712 MWh in 2018 and 44,781 between 2018 and 2024 annually and the project will be able to deliver a reduction in emissions of around 4,791 tCO2e (tons of carbon dioxide equivalent) in 2016, 9,985 tCO2e in 2017, 24,445 tCO2e in 2018 and 29,027 tCO2e between 2018 and 2024 per annum. For the entire crediting period, 227,698 tCO2e tons of CO2 are expected to be reduced.

Additional Information

CTI was contracted by Saha Temiz Enerji Elektrik Taahhüt Danışmanlık A.Ş. for verification of the project activity “Saha Solar Power Plant Bundle” in Turkey. The verification was performed based on rules and requirements defined by GCC program for the project activity.

The project activity is a solar power project, which results in reductions of CO2e emissions that are real, measurable and give long-term benefits to the mitigation of climate change. It is demonstrated that the project is not a likely baseline scenario and the emission reductions attributable to the project are provable. Hence, it is additional to any that would occur in the absence of the project activity. The project correctly applies the approved baseline and monitoring ACM0002 version 21.0 and is assessed against latest valid PS, VS and Environment and Social Safeguards Standard and/or other applicable GCC/CDM Decisions/Tools/Guidance/Forms.

The project activity is likely to achieve the anticipated emission reductions stated in the PSF provided the underlying assumptions do not change. The expected emission reductions (annual average) from the project activity are estimated to be 6,939 MWh in 2016, 14,386 MWh in 2017, 32,503 MWh in 2018 and 32,503 after 2018 annually and the project will be able to deliver a reduction in emissions of around 4,502 tCO2e (tons of carbon dioxide equivalent) in 2016, 9,334 tCO2e in 2017, 21,088 tCO2e in 2018 and 24,043 tCO2e after 2018. For the entire crediting period, annually 21,390 tCO2e and totally 213,898 tCO2e are expected to be reduced over the selected fixed 10 years crediting period starting from 11/06/2016. The project activity is likely to achieve the anticipated emission reductions stated in the PSF provided the underlying assumptions do not change.

CTI has informed the project owners of the verification outcome through the draft verification report and final verification report. The final verification report contains the information with regard to fulfilment of the requirements for verification, as appropriate.

CTI applied the following verification process and methodology using a competent verification team:

  • the desk review of documents and evidences submitted by the project participant in context of the reference GCC rules and guidelines issued
  • undertaking/conducting interview and interactions with the representative of the project participant
  • reporting audit findings with respect to clarifications and non-conformities and the closure of the findings, as appropriate
  • preparing a draft verification opinion based on the auditing findings and conclusions
  • technical review of the draft verification opinion along with other documents as appropriate by an independent competent technical review team
  • finalization of the verification opinion (this report)

CTI has verified and hereby certifies that the GCC project activity “Saha Solar Power Plant Bundle”:

a. has correctly described the Project Activity in the Project Submission Form (version 2.0 dated: 08/02/2023) including the applicability of the approved methodology ACM0002 Version 21.0 and meets the methodology applicability conditions, is additional and is expected to achieve the forecasted real and additional GHG emission reductions, complies with the monitoring methodology, has appropriately conducted local and global stakeholder consultation processes and has calculated emission reduction estimates correctly and conservatively;

b. is likely to generate GHG emission reductions amounting to the estimated 213,898 tCO2e  over 10-year crediting period as indicated in the PSF, which are additional to the reductions that are likely to occur in absence of the Project Activity and complies with all applicable GCC rules, including ISO 14064-2 and ISO 14064-3, and therefore requests the GCC Program to register the Project Activity;

c. is not likely to cause any net-harm to the environment and/or society and complies with the Environmental and Social Safeguards Standard, and therefore requests the GCC Program to register the Project Activity, which is likely to achieve the requirements of the Environmental No net-harm Label (E+) and the Social No-net-harm Label (S+); and

d. is likely to contribute to the achievement of United Nations Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs), comply with the Project Sustainability Standard, and contribute to achieving a total of 5 SDGs, which is likely to achieve the Platinum SDG certification label (SDG+)

Report (Public) Verification Report (public)
Verification report date
First Request for Registration Date 2023-04-12
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