Project Submission No. S00016
Project Title Shenzhen Luohu Xiaping LFG Power Generation Project
Project Owner (as per PSF & LOA) Shenzhen Carbon-Neutral Energy Management Co., Ltd.
Submission Date 29 Jul 2021
Global Stakeholder Consultation Period 17 Aug 2021 - 31 Aug 2021
Sector 13.Waste handling and disposal
Project Type LFG Power Generation
GCC/CDM Methodology & Version ACM0001 v19.0
Forecasted GHG Emission Reduction (tCO2e/Year) 366,380 (tCO2e/Year)
Forecasted E+ Label Yes
Forecasted S+ Label Yes
Forecasted SDG+ Goals
Forecasted SDG+ Label Gold
Forecasted Market Eligibility CORSIA(C+)
Country China
Focal Point of Project Owners (FP)
Shenzhen Carbon-Neutral Energy Management Co., Ltd.
Email of Contact Person of FP (Primary)
Email of Contact Person of FP (Secondary)
Documents for Global Stakeholder Consultation Project Submision
Calculation Sheet

Other Documents
Project Brief

Shenzhen Luohu Xiaping LFG Power Generation Project (hereafter referred to as the Project) is an LFG power generation project with total installed capacity of 18MW, locates at Xiaping landfill site in Luohu District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, P.R. China. The project will install 18 sets of LFG generators with unit capacity of 1,000 kW. The purpose of the project is to recover the landfill gas at Xiaping landfill site and utilize LFG to generate and supply electricity to South China Power Grid (SCPG).

Prior to the implementation of the project, the utilized LFG by the project is vented to the atmosphere directly, and the electricity delivered to the grid by the project activity would be generated by the operation of grid-connected power plants and by the addition of new generation sources into the SCPG.

The project will achieve green-house gas emissions reduction from two sources: 1) Methane (CH4) emissions from the previously vented landfill gas which will be captured and destroyed by the project; 2) CO2 emissions from the production of electricity by the Project which would otherwise have been generated by the fossil fuel fired power plants of South China Power Grid (SCPG).

Additional Information



The GCC Project Verifier, Carbon Check (India) Private Ltd, verifies and certifies that the GCC Project Activity “Shenzhen Luohu Xiaping LFG Power Generation Project”:
(a) has correctly described the Project Activity in the Project Submission Form (version 02, dated 11/03/2022) including the applicability of the approved CDM methodology, ACM0001, version 19 and meets the methodology applicability conditions, is additional and is expected to achieve the forecasted real and additional GHG emission reductions, complies with the monitoring methodology, has appropriately conducted local and global stakeholder consultation processes and has calculated emission reduction estimates correctly and conservatively;
(b) is likely to generate GHG emission reductions amounting to the estimated 3,663,801 t CO2eq (for the fixed 10 years crediting period), as indicated in the PSF, which are additional to the reductions that are likely to occur in absence of the Project Activity and complies with all applicable GCC rules and therefore requests the GCC Program to register the Project Activity;
(c) is not likely to cause any net-harm to the environment and/or society and complies with the Environmental and Social Safeguards Standard, and therefore requests the GCC Program to register the Project Activity, which is likely to achieve the requirements of the Environmental No-net-harm Label (E+) and the Social No-net harm Label (S+); and
(d) is likely to contribute to the achievement of United Nations Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs), comply with the Project Sustainability Standard, and contribute to achieving a total of 3 SDGs, which is likely to achieve the Silver SDG certification label (SDG+).

Report (Public) Verification Report (public)
Verification report date
First Request for Registration Date 2022-05-02
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