Project Submission No. S01088
Project Title NamKhan 2
Project Owner(s) (as per PSF & LOA) (1) EDL-Generation Public Company and (2) B.B. ENERGY (ASIA) PTE LTD
Submission Date 2023-10-12
Global Stakeholder Consultation Period 2023-11-29 to
Sector 1.Energy industries (renewable-/non-renewable sources)
Project Type Hydro Power
GCC/CDM Methodology & Version ACM0002.: Grid-connected electricity generation from renewable sources, Version 21.0
Forecasted GHG Emission Reduction (tCO2e/Year) 314,845
Forecasted E+ Label Yes
Forecasted S+ Label Yes
Forecasted SDG+ Goals
Forecasted SDG+ Label Platinum
Forecasted Market Eligibility
Location Details Open Full Map
 Lao People's Democratic Republic
Focal Point of Project Owners
Email of Contact Person of FP (Primary)
Email of Contact Person of FP (Secondary)
Documents for Global Stakeholder Consultation Project Submision
Calculation Sheet

Other Documents
Project Brief

The Proposed NamKhan 2 Project is situated in XiengNgeun District, Luangprabang province, in the middle of northern part of Lao PDR. The proposed project is developed by Electricite Du Laos  and is located about 68 km upstream from the mouth of the Nam khan river.  The right abutments of the proposed dam sites are located in the Xieng Ngeun district of Luangprabang Province of Laos PDR.


The proposed NamKhan 2 project has an nominal installed capacity of 126.2 MW (comprises two units of generator with individual capacity 63.1 MW), however aggregated installed capacity of the turbines are 133.2MW (2x66.6MW each). The estimated annual power generation by the project activity is 567.8GWh will be supplied to regional grid under long term power purchase agreement. The project activity is to meet the power demand in Lao PDR as it is dramatically increasing and the need for more reliable power source is also essential.


The purpose of the project activity is to produce renewable energy using hydro power for supplying to grid. In the absence of the project activity equivalent amount of electricity would have been generated by the operation of grid connected fossil fuel-based power plants. The Project activity thus, reduces the anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in to the atmosphere associated with the equivalent amount of electricity generation from the fossil fuel-based grid connected power plant. The project activity commissioned on 28/02/2016 and operational since then.

The estimated annual average and the total CO2e emission reduction by the project activity over the crediting period of 10 years are expected to be 314,845 tCO2e and 3,148,450 tCO2e respectively.

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